Moone BoyMoone Boy follows the adventures of the youngest member of the Moone family. A small boy with a big imagination, 11-year-old Martin (David Rawle) is doing his best to survive life with his chaotic family – mum Debra (Deirdre O’Kane), dad Liam (Oscar© nominee Peter McDonald) and his loudmouth older sisters Trisha (Aoife Duffin), Fidelma (Clare Monnelly) and Sinead (Sarah White). Luckily for him, he’s got a great friend to rely on for company, Sean Murphy (O’Dowd).
However, Sean isn’t your normal childhood friend, which might have something to do with the fact that he's completely imaginary.
Together, Martin and Sean negotiate the various obstacles of the day-to-day life of an 11-year-old, whether they be his sisters’ unending pranks, school bullies or the pressures of being an altar boy.
Martin isn’t alone in having a pal that only he can see – his school friend Padriac (Ian O’Reilly) has his own made-up mate, ‘legendary wrestler’ Crunchy Danger Haystacks (Johnny Vegas).